Blogging 101 : Blog Title and Tagline

Today’s assignment is: edit your title and tagline.

Blog title defines who we are.

I guess for now my blog title and tagline shall remain unchanged, however here’s how it originated.

As a cat loving person, I have a soft spot for calico cats, I think their colourful fur is special.

Since I’m starting a blog without much idea for a title, suddenly it struck me to relate my love for cats as an inspiration and also to express my “catself” (because my hubby said sometimes I behave like a cat haha~)

Initially I started off by registering 小花貓筆記 (read as xiǎo huā māo bǐ jì) as my URL in WordPress. Xiao hua mao bi ji is actually Little Calico’s Journal in Chinese.

But I thought since using English title would benefit in terms of discovery and blog search I made the decision to use the English version as my blog title, and Chinese version as a tagline as I intend to blog in Chinese too! 🙂

9 thoughts on “Blogging 101 : Blog Title and Tagline

  1. I love everything about it! The dual language approach is smart marketing, but it looks so elegant. The elegant type paired with the happy cat is everything the cat is. The picture is beautiful, by the way. Did you take it?

    My first cat was a long haired rescue calico, named uncreatively Calico. She was so beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your lovely comments Tracey~ Calico is a lovely name for your cat and I’m sure she is happy to have finally found her home ❤

      Actually the picture I got it from a wallpaper website, hmm… not sure would that be okay?


Scratch on my wall!