Book Review: The Christmas Shoppe by Melody Carlson

Genre : Holiday, Romance
Format : eBook
Rating : 5/5 stars

Hands down 5 stars for this book ❤ It’s a short and compelling read, a wonderful book to pick up for celebrating this Christmas season.

The story started off when an old lady — a strange outlander — purchased a run-down building in Parrish Springs. Her acquisition caused a ruckus in the town’s business circle and raised a few curious brows regarding her objectives.

A few characters were introduced and developed into their own stories yet linking to each other in this small town and at the same time they were related back to Matilda, the strange lady. Each character held a piece to reveal the complete puzzle of Matilda’s purpose in town.

There was something magical about this story; perhaps it was the vivid painting of the quaint small town, perhaps it’s the warmth that emanated from every character’s story, probably it’s the simple yet enjoyable conversation between the people or maybe it was just the marvelously fine storytelling of the author holding the pieces together until the very end.

Nevertheless this is such a gem of book, not to forget some witty clues that come in quotes, love ’em!

New life, new hope, new joy will start when this is given from the heart.

I guess the theme of this book is to make peace with your past and haunting memories so that you could forgive and in the end to heal and embark on a new life.

This is a must read for this holiday season and I am truly looking forward to more of Melody Carlson’s books — in fact I would be so thrilled to go on search for her books! 😉

3 thoughts on “Book Review: The Christmas Shoppe by Melody Carlson

  1. I like this kind of person goes to a small town and takes over a business story…. I recently saw an excellent Korean comedy romance with a similar story… (City girl goes home to help sick father with business)….. Glad to hear you are getting into xmas vibe… I actually shed a tear at the end of love actually the other night !! 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • What’s the name of the Korean drama/movie? I’d love to give it a try if possible. I’m totally in a festive mood right now, planning to continue with some Christmas reads. Don’t worry you’re not alone as I’ve been watching romantic movies too. Rewatched 27 Dresses that day and it moved me to tears~~


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